Hover over me
    I saw a tube of paint in the bookstore named “Gold Green”
    Transparent and streaky, it was the worst shade of green I’ve ever laid eyes on.
    And it was 27 dollars. I don’t even use acrylics all that much. 
    I went back for it.
    I love how terrible it is.
    Electrified baby puke, my prized possession. 
    My latest colour obsession, chartreuse is almost neon khaki, don’t you think?
    I'm fascinated by it because I don’t know what to make of it.
    Putrid algae blooms and toxic waste combine, 
    all at once sickeningly biological and entirely synthetic. 

    I want to dunk my head in it. Like taking a sip of a friend’s slushie because 
    you know they have bad taste and it’s going to be awful. 
    Getting on the most stomach-wrenching ride at the amusement park 
    or paying to see that new gross-out horror flick.
    Finding the beauty in the bad.

    “How gauche!” those with taste will say. 
    It’s not smart enough to be camp. 

    But I like it anyways.